You need to set a username to play - you can choose any username so
long as it is currently not in use. You will lose your username after a
period of inactivity and will need to log in again.
Rounds start on every even minute and last for 1 minute. You will need
to join the start of each round to see the questions, else you will only
be allowed to spectate and must wait for the next round to participate.
After each round, a break will follow lasting 1 minute.
Press the Enter or Space key to submit your answers. Optionally, you
can click the button but this may slow you down. Each correct answer
rewards 1 point and each incorrect answer takes away 1 point.
FlowMaths is currently in ongoing development and may be taken
offline time to time for updating. Please bear with me, I am not a
developer by trade :)
Note: There may be periods throughout the day where the game is not
working. You can tell if the game is down if the timer does not start on
an even minute. The game should restart iteself within 5 minutes -
you can check back then.
Inspired by Zetamac